Hyvä Themes: technologies and cases



To cover this topic, we will look at 2 views of Hyvä Themes – from the perspective of the team working on Hyvä, and from the perspective of the developer who works with it and how it changed his work with Magento.
2 speakers:
? Vinai Kopp, CTO of Hyvä Themes
Vinai Kopp has been working with Magento as a developer since 2008. Besides programming, Vinai also specialized in Developer Trainings. Now he is the technical director at Hyvä Themes and president of the Mage-OS Association.
? Alex Galdin, Magento 2 Frontend Developer at IT Delight
He is a frontend developer who’s been enjoying working with Magento since 2016, trying different teams and approaches, taking part in over 50 projects. A couple of years ago, He have discovered Hyva, and his Magento experience wasn’t the same ever since.
? First topic – An introduction to Hyvä for developers
Hyvä is a pragmatic Magento frontend focused on performance and developer happiness.
Since the release in 2021 it has taken the Magento ecosystem by storm, and its popularity continues to grow. In this session Vinai explained on a technical level what Hyvä is, how the code looks and how to get started developing.
? Second topic – Ways to keep it fun with Hyvä Themes
The main theses Alex Galdin:
- Styles inheritance using Tailwind CSS
- Developing responsive AlpineJS components
- Common checkout solution

Watch the recording of the meeting.